Sitting here at the dining table, still swooning over the phone meeting I had yesterday afternoon with a web-designing company. I don't know if you all can tell by my website or not, but..... I am no web-designer. Lol. I never proposed to be but I can tell you this, whatever I don't know how to do, I'm going to learn how to do it as best I can. So (pretty) please, be merciful and patient with me. I know what Breaking Bread Boutique has to offer this world. And I am learning how to deliver just that. Even in my primitive web designing state, I created something nice and functional. We've got about 300 products out there now and there is sooo much more to come. I've made so much progress through each of these processes, there is no doubt my struggles have created within me an intrinsic and fierce need to grow and learn. I just want to have fun through every stage of this. All of my life I've been thrown one curve ball after the next. Each forced me to make a way out of no way and from scratch. No cutting any corners or cheating my way through any of it. Just honest and authentic growth. Mistakes, failures, setbacks and more obstacles than I care to reflect on at this moment.
Success is mine, inevitably and to those who are connected to me. My hope is that you all grow to believe in us and see the value we see in each of these items. Learn more about each them with us and implement what this lifestyle has to offer, to the fullest. That's what this is really all about. A passion to live a vegan and cruelty free and a sustainable as possible lifestyle and to share that with all of you. It's about the freedom of working hard for ourselves and the freedom of homeschooling my children. It's about doing life our way and interacting with all of you to find out what's tried and true and what's new and valuable.
You don't know this about me but I've always been curious to know what it would look like with some true stability in our lives. In the past if I've ever allowed anyone to take the reigns in any capacity, it hasn't went well for us, at all. Some genuinely meant well, others were simply unwarrantedly ruthless and evil and some just didn't know what they didn't know. Thankfully, I always try to look for the love in all of those lessons and fought diligently with each my babies right by my side to gain the peace, love and consistency we have always deserved. It was in the midst of our toughest and most confusing years that I dug deep into getting an idea of what that actually looked like for us. That is how all of this was born.